Miniature Painting: staying comfortable
There is nothing worse than getting cramp in your hand or arm while you're painting your miniatures, so we asked David Heathfield, what he suggests for staying comfortable when you're spending long periods of time painting.
David suggested the following for staying comfortable and avoiding injury:
- High desks. In the Games Workshop design studio, it was often a point of pride to have the highest desk. That being said we're not suggesting you have to have it to your chin, but you should be able to rest on it, if needed and not be bent or hunched over. We used to use wooden blocks to raise the height of our desks, just make sure it is safe and steady if you do. It is often a good idea to have a dedicated desk at a set height with a shelf to help you keep it neat and tidy (Yes, we know it won't stay that way long)
- Seat height. As well as not having to lean for your desk, you don't want to be hunched in your seat or have your legs bent or dangling for long periods. Choose a suitably sturdy chair that has a deep enough seat (the distance between the front and back of the seat) and preferably adjustable arms and height. A good office chair is ideal. As a rough guide, you want to be sat so that your legs are bent 90 degrees at the knee (not out stretched or going back under the chair) and your arms can rest on the arms of the chair if needed
- Lighting. Getting a good lamp is very important , it will save your eyes and is more than likely going to drastically improve your painting. Spend as much as you can afford on a good daylight lamp. The best type are adjustable strip lamps, rather than spot lamps as these give a more even light and cast less shadows. The Daylight Company produce some of the best lamps on the market. I have had mine for many years as well as being the lamps used in the design studio
- Breaks! No matter how comfortable you get yourself, the fact of the matter is that painting miniatures requires you to sit cramped up in one position with little movement for long periods of time. Make sure you get up at least once an hour to go and make a cup of tea and stare out of a window to give your eyes a rest. Yes, the 'Eavy Metal team drink a lot of tea
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